Climate Terminology
Too much to do today, so I'll leave Buechner's memoirs to a later date. Instead I give you my most recent graph.
Too much to do today, so I'll leave Buechner's memoirs to a later date. Instead I give you my most recent graph.
This is perhaps the greatest thing I've seen this past week. It is amazing how they distilled every cheesy nineties pop song into its most basic elements.
A succinct analysis of how we got into this mess.
For those of you who missed the Superbowl. This may be the greatest thing to happen to paid for airtime.
This really changes the whole tenor of the comic strip. A Garfield without Garfield really just makes Jon look like a nutball. HT: Althouse
Historians are reporters of the olds.
My friend Tom pulled a late nighter fueled by the energy drink Nos. He posted a note describing his experience and then asked a series of questions highly relevant to current issues. I decided to shed some light on these issues for him by answering those questions. As the Ninja says: Gauntlet thrown, Gauntlet picked
So I haven't had the time to think deep thoughts lately, not any that are interesting in a wider context anyway. So instead I thought I would share this with you. You don't actually have to know the song for this to be funny. HT: My Friend Maureen.
It has been caught on film. The improbable of improbables has happened. You may not even have long enough to see this. Go here to witness it. ht: My buddy Tyler
It's rare that parody is this good. The music kicks in around a minute in. I'm guessing by the "expelled" stamped on the forehead of the guy at the beginning that this is part of the advertising for that Ben Stein documentary. Regardless it is hilarious and the beat is pretty awesome.